There are many comparisons in the novels of today's time. The comparison in The Great Gatsby is with The East Egg and The West Egg. The differences between the two cities is the social class standing. The East Egg is the wealthier part of the city, and the West Egg is the city that isn't as fortunate as the East Egg. The West Egg is not poor, but not wealthy, it is in between, such as a middle class. Each city represents the people living in those cities personalities. The two different cities represent the division of the classes in the 1920's. Around the time of the Great Depression, the social classes were seperated, and each class was forced to deal with the Depression on their own.

The East Egg is very well kept and the more refined of the two. The East Egg also is not very social, and is kept more to themself. The West Egg, although not as fortunate as the East Egg is very close, and friendly. The main focus in the novel is social standing. The people of the East Egg are very well known, and the people of the East Egg are nto as well known. Although Gatsby is extremely wealthy he does not belong to much of a social class, because he is always trapped within his house, and although he throws those incredible parties, he very rarely attended them.
source: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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