The Great Gatsby has 3 main male leads in the story. Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, and Tom Buchanan. Each character has a different personality, and contributes to the storys plot in many ways.
The first character introduced is Nick Carraway. Nick Carraway moved from Minnesota to New York in the beginning of the novel. Nick moved next door to the infamous, James Gatsby. He becomes very close to Mr. Gatsby. Nick is also often associated with his cousin, Daisy Buchanan. They never used to be that close, but after they started spending more time together, they grew closer. Nick was the one to bring together Daisy and Gatsby after a long 5 years without being reaquianted. Nick did this in hopes of becoming lcoser with one of Daisy's friends, Jordan Baker.Nick is also the narrator for The Great Gatsby.
The next character mentioned it Jay Gatsby, formally known as James Gatz. James Gatsby is very
well known in the city of West Egg for his outrageous parties. Gatsby very rarely attends his parties, for he is not onr to be very social. Gatsby is a very fortunate man, who attains his money from his chain of drug stores. Gatsby went to college at Oxford, he attended Oxford for a mere 5 months. Gatsby is also madly in love with Daisy Buchanan. Daisy and Jay had a relationship about 5 years prior to her meeting her current husband Tom. Daisy left Jay because at the time he was not wealty enoug for her. Thsi rejection inspired Gatsby to work hard and earn alot more money. Gastby is quite delusional because he believes that although Daisy is happily married to Tom, that he still has a chance with her.

The next character is Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband. Tom is very fortunate in that he has alot of money. Tom is not very respectful of Daisy, he is not loyal to her, and has an affair with a lower class woman, Myrtle. Tom is also very hypocrytical, when he believes Gatsby and Daisy are havign an affair he is outraged, even though in actuallity he is the one having an affair. Although Tom and Daisy do not have a stable relationahip, they are in love.
The next character mentioned it Jay Gatsby, formally known as James Gatz. James Gatsby is very
The next character is Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband. Tom is very fortunate in that he has alot of money. Tom is not very respectful of Daisy, he is not loyal to her, and has an affair with a lower class woman, Myrtle. Tom is also very hypocrytical, when he believes Gatsby and Daisy are havign an affair he is outraged, even though in actuallity he is the one having an affair. Although Tom and Daisy do not have a stable relationahip, they are in love.
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