This shows how old money makes people used to it. It's not out of the ordinary and its a comfortable place to be. Tom isnt completely "happy" however, he feels he must also commit adultery to satisfy himself. That is, until Myrtle gets killed. Gatsby is new to money and he wants to show it off. This also makes people suspicious on how he got his money so fast. He too is not completely satisfied with his life. This is where Daisy comes in. She seems to make both sides happy in different ways. Tom loves Daisy but feels he needs Myrtle too and Gatsby wants Daisy all for himself. It seems that no matter which side you come from, you're always wanting more. 
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Old vs. New Money
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Men of Gatsby
The Great Gatsby has 3 main male leads in the story. Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, and Tom Buchanan. Each character has a different personality, and contributes to the storys plot in many ways.
The first character introduced is Nick Carraway. Nick Carraway moved from Minnesota to New York in the beginning of the novel. Nick moved next door to the infamous, James Gatsby. He becomes very close to Mr. Gatsby. Nick is also often associated with his cousin, Daisy Buchanan. They never used to be that close, but after they started spending more time together, they grew closer. Nick was the one to bring together Daisy and Gatsby after a long 5 years without being reaquianted. Nick did this in hopes of becoming lcoser with one of Daisy's friends, Jordan Baker.Nick is also the narrator for The Great Gatsby.
The next character mentioned it Jay Gatsby, formally known as James Gatz. James Gatsby is very
well known in the city of West Egg for his outrageous parties. Gatsby very rarely attends his parties, for he is not onr to be very social. Gatsby is a very fortunate man, who attains his money from his chain of drug stores. Gatsby went to college at Oxford, he attended Oxford for a mere 5 months. Gatsby is also madly in love with Daisy Buchanan. Daisy and Jay had a relationship about 5 years prior to her meeting her current husband Tom. Daisy left Jay because at the time he was not wealty enoug for her. Thsi rejection inspired Gatsby to work hard and earn alot more money. Gastby is quite delusional because he believes that although Daisy is happily married to Tom, that he still has a chance with her.

The next character is Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband. Tom is very fortunate in that he has alot of money. Tom is not very respectful of Daisy, he is not loyal to her, and has an affair with a lower class woman, Myrtle. Tom is also very hypocrytical, when he believes Gatsby and Daisy are havign an affair he is outraged, even though in actuallity he is the one having an affair. Although Tom and Daisy do not have a stable relationahip, they are in love.
The next character mentioned it Jay Gatsby, formally known as James Gatz. James Gatsby is very
The next character is Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband. Tom is very fortunate in that he has alot of money. Tom is not very respectful of Daisy, he is not loyal to her, and has an affair with a lower class woman, Myrtle. Tom is also very hypocrytical, when he believes Gatsby and Daisy are havign an affair he is outraged, even though in actuallity he is the one having an affair. Although Tom and Daisy do not have a stable relationahip, they are in love.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Green Light
The Green Light is mentioned a few times in The Great Gatsby but it symbolizes many things. Gatsby enjoys going outside at night and watching the green light that belongs to the home of Daisy and Tom Buchanan. This green light symbolizes the jealousy that Gatsby feels towards Tom. Tom was able to marry Daisy while Gatsby wasnt liked by her parents. Green is a color of envy and jealousy. The fact that the light was green further emphasizes how Gatsby wishes he was living at that house with Daisy as his wife.
This green light also is symbolized for Daisy herself. For five years, Jay Gatsby waited for Daisy to come to one of his parties and this never happened. Seeing the light on from across the bay helped Gatsby know she was still there and there was still hope they would meet once again. Once they reunite, the importance of the green light looses its original wonder. Gatsby had used this light to show mystery and how he didnt know what would happen between him and Daisy.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Dan Cody

We are first introduced to Dan Cody in chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby. Dan Cody is described as a "gay, florid man with a hard, empty face." pg. 100. Jay Gatsby, formally known as James Gatz, first met Cody on a yacht dock on Lake Superior. Gatz admired Cody the first day he had met him. Dan Cody was a very wealthy man, he made his millions through the transactions in copper. He made most of his money through metal trades and productions. Dan was very well admired by the women of the city, they mostly tried to separate him from his money and take advantage of his wealth.
Jay Gatsby admired Cody and thought of him as a member of his family, since he had none of his

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"F. Scott uses a color scheme to show many emotions of characters in this story. The ultimate factor for almost every action within the story is money, the color green. This color shows the envy, greed, and jealousy that make up this story. Green is not only the color of money and the color most notably associated with greed, but it is also the color of the light on Daisy's dock. The same dock light that Gatsby spent so many nights gazing at. This is no coincidence, F.S.F. wanted to express to his readers the symbolism behind the color. Gatsby envied Tom because he knew that Daisy needed a wealthy man to take care of her. And as he was building his wealth, Gatsby would look over the lake toward that green light with envy and await the day he would be good enough for Daisy."(symbolism and symbals of The Great
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The East Egg vs. The West Egg

The East Egg is very well kept and the more refined of the two. The East Egg also is not very social, and is kept more to themself. The West Egg, although not as fortunate as the East Egg is very close, and friendly. The main focus in the novel is social standing. The people of the East Egg are very well known, and the people of the East Egg are nto as well known. Although Gatsby is extremely wealthy he does not belong to much of a social class, because he is always trapped within his house, and although he throws those incredible parties, he very rarely attended them.
source: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Women of the Great Gatsby
The next woman mentioned in The Great Gatsby was Jordan Baker. Jordan is one of Daisy's beautiful friends. Nick noticed Jordan's beauty within the first mom
ents of meeting her, he quickly became in love. Daisy wants to set Nick and Jordan up on a romantic date, she thinkgs they are perfect together. Jordan is a competitive golfer, and she has caught the eye of many men. Jordan has somewwhat of a bad reputation, "I had heard some story of her too, a critical,unpleasant story, but what is was I had forgotten long ago." pg. 18. Something about Jordan makes some uneasy. Her attitude towards some things seems decieving towards others. It may also be her "temptuous expression" that had left many speechless

source: The Great Gatsby
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Great Gatsby Film Versions
Earlier in 1926, a silent version of this book was made. This film is no longer printed and is known as the "lost version". also says, "Although a lost film, the trailer survived and is one of the 50 films in the 3-disk boxed DVD set called "More Treasures from American Film Archives."
There was another verion in 1949. This version is said to be extremely accurate and well cast. "The 1949 version, in monochrome, captures much of the atmosphere of the 'jazz age' which strangely does not come over in the lavish period detail of the later version. The gallery of supporting players contributes significantly to the success of the film. There are a few minor faults, such as the montage shots in the opening sequences which border on cliché. Nick Carraway is less prominent than the author might have intended. But the essence of the novel is there." (
Friday, May 14, 2010
In the 1920's, women were given the rights to vote. Also, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich became famous in 1922. The bestselling book at the time was a manners book and it was the first time a women was governer of a state. In this decade the invention of insulin helped people with diabeties. It was good years for science and medicine.The popular dances were the Charleston, Fox-trot, and the shimmy. Jazz was the popular style of music and the radio was a nessecity in every household. Movies were a fad in the 1920's. The invntion of 3-D movies excited many viewers. Overall the 1920's were an exciting time with fashions, fads and dancing.(
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Prohibition is the restriction of manufacturing, transportation, and import of alcohol. Prohibition began in the 1920's around when the 18th amendment was put into action. Prohibition was first put into action in hopes of lowering crime rates and corruption throughout the city, and improving hygiene in america. Large imports of alcohol was imported from Canada. Restricting alcohol made people want to go around the rules which in fact provoked crime.
Alcohol was still served in speak-easeies and other underground bars.

Prohibition however did not last as long as people were hoping it would. In fact it rose the crime rate because after alcohol was banned, people tried to get it at ny cost possible. And because Prohibition did not ban the consumption of alcohol, people assumed it would be ok to still find some way to drink it. Almost 2/3 of states adopted some sort of vote to go against Prohibition. By 1966 all states fully repealed all Prohibition laws.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
F. Scott Fitzgerald
He wrote many amateur plays at St. Paul and wrote a few lyrics at Princeton. He wrote both dramatic plays and some comedic plays as well. Fitzgerald also tried acting for a few plays for the Triangle Club at Princeton. In 1917, just before he was about to graduate, he enrolled in the military. While in Alabama for a training camp, he meets Zelda Sayre and marries her in 1920. The same year, he publishes his first book, This Side of Paradise.
Monday, May 10, 2010
In the 1920's a new generation of women evolved, these women did the unthinkable of that time era and they smoked, drank, danced, voted, wore make-up, and cut their hair. These women were called flappers. The term flapper was created in Great Britain after World War I. This term was used for girls in their awkward stage, meaning they were not really women, but not really young girls anymore.
Author, F. Scott Fitzgerald first used the term in the United States, he created and evolved the image and the style of the flapper. Fitzgerald described the flapper as "lovely, expensive, and about nineteen." He also defined the girls to make a "flapping" noise while they would walk. Flappers had both the image and attitude.
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