According to, jealousy is "jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself." In The Great Gatsby, jealousy is common. One of the most obvious examples of jealousy is how Gatsby feel toward Tom Buchanan. Daisy and Gatsby fell in love when they were young and naive. Gatsby wanted to be with Daisy for the rest of his life but while Daisy came from a wealthy family, Gatsby did not. Once Gatsby enrolled on the military, Daisy was crushed but had promised she'd wait for him. She did not keep her promise and ended up marrying Tom Buchanan, partially because he was wealthy. Jay Gatsby found this out and was jealous of Tom and wished to someday be rich so he could have Daisy all for himself. Daisy and Tom's relationship struggles a lot and he is having an affair. The only thing that is keeping them together, is their image. They are a wealthy couple living in East Egg. Gatsby was extremely jealous of all that Tom had; money, succesfulness, and Daisy.
"F. Scott uses a color scheme to show many emotions of characters in this story. The ultimate factor for almost every action within the story is money, the color green. This color shows the envy, greed, and jealousy that make up this story. Green is not only the color of money and the color most notably associated with greed, but it is also the color of the light on Daisy's dock. The same dock light that Gatsby spent so many nights gazing at. This is no coincidence, F.S.F. wanted to express to his readers the symbolism behind the color. Gatsby envied Tom because he knew that Daisy needed a wealthy man to take care of her. And as he was building his wealth, Gatsby would look over the lake toward that green light with envy and await the day he would be good enough for Daisy."(symbolism and symbals of The Great
ANother good post 75/75